
press Urania the play about the life of Emilie du Châtelet interests people for two reasons.  Not only is it a funny well written play, it’s based upon a true story about a female savant during the French Enlightenment Period.  Such a curiosity is not to be ignored.

This particular story touched me very deeply because it’s about a woman, who was brilliant. As brilliant as any man in her time.
~ Jon Hansen – Radio Interview with Arica Hilton for DNAinfo Chicago

Four years ago, Lincoln Park-based visual artist Jyl Bonaguro read a biography about an 18th century French woman whose story she couldn’t shake.
~ Lizzie Schiffman – DNAinfo Chicago

Jyl Bonaguro tells the story of Urania – a tale of adventure and Art
PechaKucha Chicago Volume 33

Live Interviews from the Workshop Production of Urania

Bonaguro’s play explores the full spectrum of Châtelet’s life, emphasizing her work in the sciences and her increasingly turbulent personal relationship with Voltaire—a relationship that both freed and destroyed her.
~ Aeneas Sagar Hemphil – Chicago Artist Resource

“During the past 40 years, study after study has addressed why more women do not become scientists. The question is most apt for physics…. Zinsser debunks legends about the life and loves of the vivacious and unorthodox 18th-century French noblewoman Marquise du Châtelet and analyzes her contribution to physics.”
~ Karen Frenkal – Scientific American

What I adore about Emilie’s story and this script is that she is unapologetic. She is unashamed of her desires, whether she wants to create lasting work, be published for all to read, or immerse herself in a passionate relationship.
~ Naomi – Sheroes of History Blog

The light blue robe à la française that the character Émilie wears is from Katy’s personal wardrobe. It was sewn almost entirely by hand.” View costume pictures and commentary
~ Jacqueline WayneGuite – The Hourglass Files Blog